The Altar and The Tent
文: 陳瑩
The Altar and The Tent
By: Dorine Chan
Christian life is a kind of life of altar and tent. The altar is towards God and the tent is towards the world. Section 7 of chapter 12 of Genesis says, "And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him." This shows us that the altar is based on a manifestation of God. Without the manifestation of God, there would be no altar. No one can offer himself to God without meeting God. The ability of sacrifice is from the manifestation of God and from the revelation of God. Those talking about sacrifice are not necessary people of dedication; those teaching others to sacrifice are not necessary people of dedication; those understanding the truth of sacrifice are also not necessary people of dedication. Only those who have meet God are really dedicated. Abraham met God and built the altar for God. Paul met the Lord on the road and said: "Lord, what shall I do?" So, the turning point of life is not how you establish your own rules, and not that you should do this and do that for God. The turning point of life is because we see God. The result of meeting God is asking you to totally turn yourself around and do not to go though the old road. The ability of living for God make Christians care about meeting God. Service can not be done only by your determination. Here the altar does not mean atonement but means the altar for sacrifice, which refers to the altar described in chapter 12 of Romans: the altar to present your bodies a living sacrifice.
What is tent? Its meaning implies moving and not rooted. Abraham totally dedicated to God, but he still has cattle, sheep and many other things. Although he sacrificed Isaac to God, but he still has cattle, sheep and many other things. Although he presented Isaac, but then God gave him back. Some people are obstructed by this question. Are we needed to scatter everything out to be devoted? The answer is no. Living in the world, material things are necessary. Clothing, food, shelter are necessary to be solved. However, we should use the tent principle to deal with these things. I could use these things, but they will not touch me. These things can be in my hands, and can also not be in my hands; there can be can add or reducing. This is the tent's life.